Monday 18 October 2010

Magazine Survey Results

I made a survey on

I typed up the results below:

1. How important is the college logo to you?

Overall it says that the college logo shown on the magazine is key. I had originally thought this but having the view from the students was very important.

2. Would you like sport to be involved on the front cover?

This didn't seem to be very important to the readers but they thought a photo would be nice.

3. Is the date and price on the front cover important?

This appeared to be vital to everyone which is what i was hoping they said because the magazines I had studied both show the price clearly. Also the date appeared to very important as they wanted to clearly know what issue number they had.

Here the date and price are clearly shown above the cow's head. This is very important to the reader to know how much they are paying and if they have the latest copy.

 4. Is it very important to show a clear bold heading?

Yes we would really like a clear bold heading on the magazine as it will distinguish my magazine from others.

Sunday 10 October 2010

School Magazine Cover Ideas

I need my magazine cover to be clear and eye catching,

I will use a school colour scheme,
Big bold title,
Clear Barcode and date,
Eye catching photos relating to topics,
Few news bulletins.