Sunday 12 December 2010

Analysis of front cover

I analysed a magazine front cover and looked to see how I could use the designs VIBE used in my magazine.


The masthead is clearly shown here going across the top of the page and is very bold and striking getting the name across clearly.
This is a good idea and I think I will use a similar striking font and put this at the top of my page to clearly show my magazine name.

Bar code and Price

The bar code and price are vital on every magazine cover clearly showing the price of the magazine and the bar code.

I am definitely going to include a price and bar code. On this magazine I do not like where they have put the bar code and price. I personally think it would be a lot better for the reader to see it horizontally and for that reason I plan to put it in the bottom right hand corner of the page.


 The banner is very good at eye catching and will easily grasp the readers attention.

I think I will include a small banner just to show something or to make the readers integrated and want to read more and purchase the magazine.

Main Image

VIBE have used a very clear picture on the front cover and they have used a famous artist as people know who he is and will therefore want to know what the magazine has to say. Also this could bring in new readers if they are obsessed with an artist and then they will want to buy it and then may enjoy reading the magazine and continue to buy it.

The main image I plan to use is going to be very striking yet appealing at the same time wanting you to read in to it and explore.

Cover line

The cover lines this magazine has used are not just on one topic making appeal to a wider variety of people.  This is a also very good teaser to give the readers a brief snippet into the magazine stories wanting them to look into further detail.

I plan to use only a select few cover line stories but also plan to put on there a thing saying buy of the week. Here I will put a good deal on something to buy. I haven't seen this used before and will be interested into what my focus group will say.

Friday 10 December 2010

Evaluation on School Magazine

I used a few key words which would make it obvious to the reader what they are reading. I used certain phrases like "Shebbear College" and "sheb" which are all things to do with school. I thought that this was very important and would be effective if used correctly. A few key words I used were :
- "Shebbear College"
- "6th Form"
- "Mr Newitt"
- "Mr Langridge"

I made sure that when creating my school magazine that I included the school colours as this would be show a clear link with the school and also share an almost safety net as the people buying the magazine find it familiar. Our school colours consist of:

I used the red colour as a background colour. Red resembles a warm feeling so I used this as I thought this would entice the reader and not put the reader on edge.
I used the gold and black colour as my heading colours. The text was a clear black colour and was surrounded by a gold outline. I used those colours for the heading as they are very bold and prominent colours and make it clear and easy to read.

On my magazine front cover I used two key picture linking to both teasers on the page. I had a carton picture of two people debating. I manipulated these picture so that then it show two plagues on the boards displaying tutor names.

I managed to link the contents page to the title page by using the same colour scheme and also I included the same pictures relating to the teasers.

I personally thought that it was key that I should include the price, bar code and a date. It was very important that the price was clearly displayed for all customers to see. Also the date was essential as this tells the customer whether they have grabbed the latest copy.

Sunday 21 November 2010

A new reviewed version of the magazine

I had listened to the feedback from the survey and acted on it.

I was then told that this is a lot better as it shows things in the school happening from day to day. It is very eye catching and looks effective and will draw people in to read it and purchase the magazine. I have kept the same colour scheme and font as I was told it looked very effective and uses the school colours.

Monday 15 November 2010

First copy made of magazine

I made a copy of my first draft of my magazine.

I made this copy of my media magazine.

General Feedback.

 The magazine was good but wasn't really to do with the school. The pictures were good and eye catching but not really relevant. It would be better to have pictures from school and showing people from school doing something interesting and make us pick up the newspaper.
It didn't really appeal to everyone as they looked at the front cover and decided not to buy it as they don't like badminton.

Saturday 6 November 2010

First draft of school magazine

I tried to include everything which was recommended to me by the survey I carried out.  I have arranged it so it will look eye catching and pleasing to the eye and get the reader to pick it up.

Monday 18 October 2010

Magazine Survey Results

I made a survey on

I typed up the results below:

1. How important is the college logo to you?

Overall it says that the college logo shown on the magazine is key. I had originally thought this but having the view from the students was very important.

2. Would you like sport to be involved on the front cover?

This didn't seem to be very important to the readers but they thought a photo would be nice.

3. Is the date and price on the front cover important?

This appeared to be vital to everyone which is what i was hoping they said because the magazines I had studied both show the price clearly. Also the date appeared to very important as they wanted to clearly know what issue number they had.

Here the date and price are clearly shown above the cow's head. This is very important to the reader to know how much they are paying and if they have the latest copy.

 4. Is it very important to show a clear bold heading?

Yes we would really like a clear bold heading on the magazine as it will distinguish my magazine from others.

Sunday 10 October 2010

School Magazine Cover Ideas

I need my magazine cover to be clear and eye catching,

I will use a school colour scheme,
Big bold title,
Clear Barcode and date,
Eye catching photos relating to topics,
Few news bulletins.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Media Prep

Here is a list of the elements you must consider when creating the front cover of a magazine

What font
The Font size,
The font colour.
Target audience, Staff, pupils, Junior school, senior school or old shebbearians
Name of the magazine
Issue Number,
Number of Pictures,
Background colours,
Colour schemes,
Number of Teasers, bulletin things