Sunday 12 December 2010

Analysis of front cover

I analysed a magazine front cover and looked to see how I could use the designs VIBE used in my magazine.


The masthead is clearly shown here going across the top of the page and is very bold and striking getting the name across clearly.
This is a good idea and I think I will use a similar striking font and put this at the top of my page to clearly show my magazine name.

Bar code and Price

The bar code and price are vital on every magazine cover clearly showing the price of the magazine and the bar code.

I am definitely going to include a price and bar code. On this magazine I do not like where they have put the bar code and price. I personally think it would be a lot better for the reader to see it horizontally and for that reason I plan to put it in the bottom right hand corner of the page.


 The banner is very good at eye catching and will easily grasp the readers attention.

I think I will include a small banner just to show something or to make the readers integrated and want to read more and purchase the magazine.

Main Image

VIBE have used a very clear picture on the front cover and they have used a famous artist as people know who he is and will therefore want to know what the magazine has to say. Also this could bring in new readers if they are obsessed with an artist and then they will want to buy it and then may enjoy reading the magazine and continue to buy it.

The main image I plan to use is going to be very striking yet appealing at the same time wanting you to read in to it and explore.

Cover line

The cover lines this magazine has used are not just on one topic making appeal to a wider variety of people.  This is a also very good teaser to give the readers a brief snippet into the magazine stories wanting them to look into further detail.

I plan to use only a select few cover line stories but also plan to put on there a thing saying buy of the week. Here I will put a good deal on something to buy. I haven't seen this used before and will be interested into what my focus group will say.

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