Sunday 30 January 2011

My lifestyle profile character.

A lifestyle profile attempts to build up a more detailed picture of groups of people united by how they behave as consumers.

My lifestyle profile for my consumer.

Gender - Male
Age - 18-25
Income Bracket - A student income or someone who has just left uni.
Location - Sold in the cities predominately.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Font selection for my magazine

I have to consider which fonts I will use throughout my magazine and ensure that the are easily legible and fit in appropriately.

Arial in bold

Courier in bold

Trebuchet in bold

Focus group results.

Arial = 9 People

Courier = 1 Person. The general feedback for this font was that it didn't really fit in with the magazine genre.

Trebuchet = 9 people. This was a very good choice and it looks effective and will match well with the rest of the magazine.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Magazine colour schemes

When creating my magazine I had to think of a very effective and eye catching colour scheme to grasp the readers attention.

A green and white background.

A blue and white background.

A red and black background.

I asked my focus group to give me there feedback on the magazine backgrounds above

Green and white = 0
Blue and white = 5
Red and black = 12

The focus group helped me decide on my chosen background colour. This was very helpful as I would like to know the audiences preference. Although most people said this because I explained that I was going to put a band group photo or a single shot of someone holding there instrument.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Magazine considerations

1. How often will the magazine be published?

I plan to have my magazine as being sold fortnightly. I plan to do this as the magazine wants to have a good readership and this has more time to purchase.

2. What is your magazine going to be called?

My magazine is going to be called NAM. I have chose this name as it is catchy and will stick.

3. How much are you going to sell the magazine for?

I am aiming to sell my magazine for £3.99. I aim to sell this magazine at this price because it is a 50 page magazine giving you all the up to date news and also give you a discount code on the website.

4. What sort of age are you aiming to sell your magazine at?

My magazine is aimed at 18-25. I am aiming it at this age group because I feel they would purchase more magazines as an age group than anyone else.

5. What gender is your magazine aimed at?

My magazine is mainly aimed at males but may appeal to females.

6. What genre is your music magazine?

My music is not specifically one genre and aims to reach to a wider audience.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Feedback on intial front cover.

The magazine front cover is very clear and shows the main image clearly and effectively. The coverline and teasers down the side of the page make the readers interested and want to know more.

"I thought that the layout is very well done and looks very effective and has a good design."
I personally feel there is still some work to be done before starting my magazine front cover.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Plan for magazine front cover

I had decided that I want a magazine with a simple but very effective. It needs to contain the following things:
- A clear masthead,
- A striking and eye catching picture,
- Bar code,
- Price,
- Date,
- Teasers,
- Short cover line.

I plan to to this sort of layout and have the price and bar code below the date in the bottom right hand corner.