Sunday 6 February 2011

Changing my Front cover.

I thought after really thinking about it that my front cover was looking really simple and that it should be edited to look more professional. I thought that I should manipulate the photo more and make it look more effective.

I tryed many different backgrounds to the photo and used the various effects that photoshop has to offer. This is how the photo changed.
This started off being red as the background to my music star but then was told through my focus group that this wasnt very effective.

I then went for a dark green colour. I chose this colour because I didnt want to have a really dull background.

This picture looked better I was told but I still wasnt happy. I then went back to the orignal white background but edited the person in the shot.

This I thought looked to dull and changed it back to the crosshatch effect and tryed another effect on the background. I used the chrome effect as I thought it  may look effective.

I really liked this and thought it looked good with the swirly effects around the outside of it. I then approached my focus group and was told this was a vast improvement.

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